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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 6, 2006

Constitutional affairs

CE calls for rational democracy discussion

Chief Executive Donald Tsang urges people to discuss rationally and objectively what the most suitable democracy model for Hong Kong would be. A universal suffrage timetable can be worked out quickly if Hong Kong people are able to agree on the design of the democracy model, he added.


In a television interview today, Mr Tsang said he believes in universal suffrage and wants to lead Hong Kong to achieve this goal in a logical way. He said it is pointless to produce a timetable without getting a public consensus on the democracy design model.


"We should produce a design model and let the public debate on it. At the same time, we should explain to the Central Government why it is the best for Hong Kong and they will certainly have their views on it.


"I hope it will be an interactive process and there will be a distillation of ideas and eventually they will be hardened into a model that all parties can accept."


On the Tamar project, Mr Tsang said the majority of lawmakers back the plan. Noting it will not block Hong Kong's skyline, he said the Government will be very careful with the final design and will make sure it will be a set of iconic buildings the public will be proud of.