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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
June 19, 2006

Margaret Fong named trade affairs chief


Margaret Fong will succeed the retiring Jacqueline Willis as Commissioner for Economic & Trade Affairs in the US on July 31, while Tam Wing-pong will become Postmaster General on July 10, the Civil Service Bureau says.


Miss Fong, 43, is the Director-General, Hong Kong Economic & Trade Affairs, in Washington DC. She joined the Administrative Service in 1985 and has been in her current post since August 2004.


Mr Tam, 57, joined the Government in July 1971 as an executive officer and was appointed to the Administrative Service in November 1973. He has been the Deputy Secretary for Housing, Planning & Lands and Deputy Director of Housing since 2003.

Margaret Fong Jacqueline Willis Tam Wing-pong
New appointments: Margaret Fong will succeed retiring Jacqueline Willis as Commissioner for Economic & Trade Affairs, US, while Tam Wing-pong will become Postmaster General.

Secretary for the Civil Service Denise Yue said Miss Fong and Mr Tam are experienced Administrative Officers with rich experience in public administration and proven leadership and management abilities.


"I have every confidence that they will continue to serve the community with professionalism and dedication in their new capacities, and ably lead their offices to meet the challenges ahead," she said.


Miss Willis retires after 37 years of dedicated service to the Government.


"She has made exemplary contributions to the development of Hong Kong in various spheres. During her tenure as Commissioner for Economic & Trade Affairs, she put in commendable and tireless efforts in promoting and furthering Hong Kong's economic and trade interests in the United States. We wish her a happy retirement."


Click here to read brief biographical notes on the three officers.