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December 15, 2005
Constitutional development
Lawmakers urged to reflect public aspiration


Chief Executive Donald Tsang says the public supports his proposed constitutional development package. He urges lawmakers to fully consider and reflect public aspirations when casting their votes on the package on December 21.


Mr Tsang today led a number of principal officials and Executive Council members to join a signature campaign in Central in support of his political package.


The Chief Executive thanked citizens for their support, adding residents' participation in the campaign can remind lawmakers to recognise and understand the will of the Hong Kong people.


Noting a number of opinion polls have shown that citizens support the package, Mr Tsang said Hong Kong people do not want to see the city's constitutional development come to a halt.
donald tsang henry tang & stephen ip wong yan lung
Rallying forces: Chief Executive Donald Tsang leads a number of principal officials and Executive Council members to join a signature campaign in Central in support of his political package.

A big step towards democracy

Financial Secretary Henry Tang said the proposal is a big step towards democratic development and is worthy of the public support.


"I believe LegCo members are elected by the people and they will have to respect the wills of the people especially those who elect them."


When asked whether the Government will refine its proposal, Mr Tang said the Government will make an announcement at an appropriate moment.


Secretary for Justice Wong Yan-lung said given the present situation in Hong Kong, the proposed package is the best one the Government can come up with.


Consistent with international covenant

He reiterated that the package is consistent with both the Basic Law and the International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights.


Secretary for the Civil Service Joseph Wong said it is every principal official's responsibility to support and promote the proposal.


Other principal officials who showed up for today's activity included Secretary for Education & Manpower Dr Arthur Li, Secretary for Health, Welfare & Food Dr York Chow, Secretary for Home Affairs Dr Patrick Ho, Secretary for Economic Development & Labour Stephen Ip, Secretary for Environment, Transport & Works Dr Sarah Liao, Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Frederick Ma, Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Stephen Lam, and Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee.


Chief Secretary for Administration Rafael Hui had also shown up for the campaign earlier this week.


Secretary for Housing, Planning & Lands Michael Suen was unable to join the activity today because he had to attend the signing ceremony of an agreement on a Hong Kong-Guangdong strategic regional town-planning study.


Noting he also supports the package, Mr Suen hoped LegCo will pass the proposal next Wednesday.