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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
December 6, 2005
Constitutional development
LegCo to discuss reform package Dec 21

Motions on the methods for selecting the Chief Executive in 2007 and for forming the Legislative Council in 2008 will be tabled by the Government December 21.


The Constitutional Affairs Bureau said today the amendments to Basic Law Annex I and II, regarding the selection methods, will be annexed in the two motions.


The bureau hopes the motions will be endorsed by legislators so Hong Kong's democratic development can move towards universal suffrage.


The Government said in the 5th Report that, according to the legislative intent of the Basic Law, the number of consecutive terms a chief executive can serve cannot be more than 10 years.


The term of office of the new chief executive elected in a by-election shall be the remainder of the term of the preceding chief. The new chief can only serve for one more term after expiry of the term.


If the amendments are endorsed, the Chief Executive Election (Amendment) Bill will be tabled in January, to provide detailed electoral arrangements.