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November 18, 2005
President pledges support to HK
Chief Executive Donald Tsang meets President Hu Jintao
Hong Kong briefs: Chief Executive Donald Tsang meets President Hu Jintao in Busan, Korea, to update him on local developments.

Chief Executive Donald Tsang says President Hu Jintao has pledged support for the Hong Kong government to develop a democratic system in a gradual manner and according to the law.


Speaking to the press after a breakfast meeting with President Hu in Busan, Korea, this morning, Mr Tsang said he related to the president the latest social, economic and political situations of Hong Kong.


The Chief Executive said President Hu is familiar with Hong Kong matters. "He told me that he appreciated very well Hong Kong's economic performance was excellent over the last few months and also said the state of governance in Hong Kong had significantly improved," Mr Tsang said.


"As regards political development, his emphasis was on the long-term stability and prosperity of Hong Kong. Within the context of the National People Congress Standing Committee's decision and the Basic Law, we should continue to reach a consensus in Hong Kong but we must work things through steadily and rationally."


Universal suffrage a national policy

When asked whether he had conveyed Hong Kong people's request for universal suffrage to the President, Mr Tsang said universal suffrage is a national policy.


"It is enshrined in the Basic Law and it also coincides with my personal wish. I think we should work towards it as steadily, as deliberately and as rationally as possible. This is what we are doing."


Mr Tsang today also joined leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation member economies at their annual meeting to discuss a wide range of trade issues aimed at advancing free trade.


Mr Tsang welcomed APEC members' show of political will. They endorsed a standalone statement on Doha Development Agenda negotiations reaffirming the APEC economies' commitment to taking a lead in reaching an agreement in key negotiation areas. 


He hoped the statement will help achieve a meaningful outcome at the Hong Kong Ministerial Conference.


Proposed agenda improves business environment

Mr Tsang also told the leaders that the proposed Busan Business Agenda will be a comprehensive business facilitation programme that will improve the business environment.


He urged member economies to give further impetus to economic and technical cooperation for sustainable growth and the well-being of our societies.


"APEC economies should continue to open our markets to international trade and investment so the region can continue to enjoy a higher-than-average economic growth," Mr Tsang said.