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November 4, 2005

Constitutional reform

CE to head political development group
Rafael Hui at district council meeting
Moving forward: Chief Secretary for Administration Rafael Hui says the package of political reform proposals is a step towards democracy.

Chief Executive Donald Tsang will chair the Commission on Strategic Development Committee on Governance & Political Development to study ways to implement universal suffrage in accordance with the Basic Law.


Chief Secretary for Administration Rafael Hui said there is a need to study how the composition and operation of the legislature should evolve when reaching the ultimate aim of universal suffrage.


Noting democratic systems have different forms, Mr Hui said the community should seriously consider the model of legislature which will best suit Hong Kong. It should also be consistent with the Basic Law.


On a timetable for universal suffrage, Mr Hui said there should be one, and the earlier it can be set the better. However, the community should first have thorough discussion and consensus on the model for the political structure after the implementation of universal suffrage, and making a hasty decision on the issue is impracticable and irresponsible, he added.


Road map

Mr Hui said: "I understand the public needs to see the future, but on the question of universal suffrage, there are many issues which we have to consider. Whilst we are dealing with the elections for 2007 and 2008, the Committee on Governance & Political Development can start to consider the form of legislature in future, with a view to drawing up a road map for universal suffrage. It is not a problem for the two to proceed in parallel."


The committee will have a working timetable to consider the road map for universal suffrage. When there is a road map, it should not be too difficult to have a timetable for universal suffrage, he said.


The proposal on increasing the number of LegCo seats to be returned through geographical constituency elections will create more room for development for political parties at district level. A paper setting out voting systems, which can be considered for the election of six representatives among the 500 strong district councillors to sit in LegCo in the 2008 elections, will be tabled later.


"We must first deal with the election methods for 2007 and 2008, and to amend the Basic Law Annexes I and II early. Then we will continue move towards the target of universal suffrage."