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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
September 11, 2005

Dialogue urged on electoral reform


The Constitutional Affairs Bureau is calling on political groups to work with the Government in narrowing differences and building consensus on electoral reforms.


The Constitutional Development Task Force will publish its fifth report this autumn, setting out proposals on amending methods for electing the Chief Executive and lawmakers in 2007 and 2008.


Responding to legislator Lee Wing-tat's radio comments today, the bureau said the Basic Law requires two-thirds majority support in the Legislative Council to enable the package of electoral reforms to go ahead.


The bureau wants proposals which will move Hong Kong towards universal suffrage in a gradual and orderly manner, to enhance public participation in the elections and broaden their representativeness. Views of the community and political groups will be taken into account in formulating the proposals.


On a universal suffrage timetable, the bureau said diverse views on the contentious issue will not see a solution soon, so it is more important to focus on the 2007-08 elections for now, to ensure progress in electoral reforms continue.