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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
September 1, 2005
New mechanism to assess contractors mooted
Housing Department

More surprise inspections will be conducted while a new assessment mechanism is being developed to reflect more accurately the performance of property services agents, Deputy Director of Housing Lau Kai-hung says.


In a report on the investigation on monitoring of agents, the Ombudsman agreed outsourcing is capable of delivering efficient, flexible and cost-effective tenant services in public housing estates. However, the Housing Department should be firmer, more positive and more proactive in monitoring agent performance.


Proper guidance and active support, particularly in enforcement, should be given. Click here to read the Ombudsman's recommendations in full.


Measures implemented

Mr Lau said some of the recommendations, including taking over major maintenance responsibilities for nine of 46 existing property services agents' contracts, have been implemented. The Housing Authority's Tender Committee endorsed that in letting contracts to agents the department should take up the major maintenance works.


Other improvement measures to be adopted include:

* issuing best-practice notes to department staff reminding them to continue to discharge all the required statutory functions not delegable to property services agents;

* informing tenants of the roles of the department and property services agents; and,

* organising more forums and training sessions to enhance staff understanding of the department's policy and management practices, and the importance of customer services.


As at August, the management of 84 out of 153 public rental housing estates had been outsourced to property management agents.