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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 30, 2005

Lawmakers invited to visit Guangdong

Donald Tsang
Mutual trust: Chief Executive Donald Tsang says the visit will boost ties with the Central Government.

Legislators have been invited to visit Guangdong on September 25 and 26 to boost ties with the Central Government, Chief Executive Donald Tsang says.


Announcing the invitation today, he said enhancing ties between lawmakers and the Mainland, boosting social harmony and economic development are his key policy objectives.


In view of the close ties between Hong Kong and the Mainland and the impact of the Pan-Pearl River Delta Development on the city, Mr Tsang has, with the Central Government's support and approval, invited all 60 legislators to visit cities in Guangdong for two days.


They will meet China Communist Party Central Committee Political Bureau member and Guangdong Provincial Party Committee Secretary Zhang Dejiang and Guangdong Governor Huang Huahua.


Mr Tsang said the arrangement has shown the Central Government's support for Hong Kong, adding mutual understanding is key to achieving progress in the Hong Kong-Mainland relationship.


He called on lawmakers to use the opportunity to communicate and build mutual trust with the Mainland in a proactive, practical manner.