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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 26, 2005
Members named to data privacy body

Eight members have been named to the Personal Data (Privacy) Advisory Committee for a two-year term, effective October 1.


The members include:

* Human resources consultant Virginia Choi;

* Solicitor Patra Ko;

* Investment bank managing director Ivan Ko;

* Newspaper group CEO Lo Wing-hung;

* Internet association president and co-founder Elizabeth Quat;

* Information and technology services company managing director Edwin Tam;

* Legal firm partner Raymond Yip; and

* Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs or Principal Assistant Secretary for Home Affairs.


Personal Data Privacy Commissioner Roderick Woo chairs the Advisory Committee, which is established under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.


Based on their knowledge and experience in their respective fields, the committee members will advise the Privacy Commissioner on any matter relevant to the privacy of individuals in relation to personal data and other matters relevant to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.


The appointment notice was gazetted today.