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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
June 10, 2005
Liberia sanctions gazetted

The Government has gazetted the United Nations Sanctions (Liberia) Regulation 2005. It gives effect to instructions from the Mainland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to implement sanctions against Liberia in accordance with UN Security Council Resolutions 1532 and 1579.


The Commerce, Industry & Technology Bureau said the regulation implements the following sanctions:

* prohibition against supply of arms and related materials;

* prohibition against provision of certain technical assistance or training;

* prohibition against making available funds or other financial assets or economic resources to or for the benefit of certain specified people and entities;

* prohibition against importation of rough diamonds;

* prohibition against importation of round logs and timber products originating in Liberia; and,

* prohibition against entry into or transit through Hong Kong of certain people connected with the country.


In line with UNSCR 1579, the clause relating to importation of rough diamonds will expire at midnight on June 20. The part relating to supply of arms and related materials, provision of certain technical assistance or training, importation of round logs and timber products, and entry into or transit through Hong Kong will expire at midnight on December 20.


In line with UNSCR 1532, there is no expiry date for the part relating to making available funds or other financial assets or economic resources to or for the benefit of certain specified persons and entities.