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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
June 2, 2005
Improved service reflects partnership success

The success of Public Private Partnership projects hinge on demonstrating that the participants can obtain good value for money and improved service quality, Efficiency Unit Head Duncan Pescod says.


Speaking at a two-day seminar, Mr Pescod said the partnership approach can be applied in many areas of public service delivery. Hong Kong can learn from the UK's experience, but must apply the lessons intelligently.


Organised by the unit, the seminar at Central Library aims to enhance understanding of the UK approach by sharing experience gained from a duty visit in April.


Civil servants from over 30 bureaux and departments are participating in the seminar, along with 50 representatives of consulates, chambers of commerce and professional associations, academics, consultants, solicitors, bank executives and public bodies.


The partnerships are long-term, large-scale contractual arrangements where the public and private sectors bring their complementary skills to a project to provide public services.