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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
May 19, 2005
Human rights
UN recommendations under study

The Home Affairs Bureau is examining the concerns and recommendations of the UN Committee on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights in its observations on Hong Kong's second report under the International Covenant on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights.


The observations follow the committee's hearing of the report in Geneva last month, when a Hong Kong team led by Acting Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs Stephen Fisher attended as part of the Chinese delegation.


The observations included several positive comments, commending Hong Kong's performance in a number of important areas. The bureau said a number of concerns and recommendations appear to be based on false assumptions, misinformation, and factual inaccuracy.


Other concerns relate to matters that were not addressed at the hearing, which means the Hong Kong team had no opportunity either to explain or correct any misunderstandings. The bureau will give a detailed response in the third report, due for submission by June 30, 2010.