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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
May 17, 2005

Views sought on personalised licence plate scheme


Members of the public and interested parties are invited to express their views on the personalised vehicle registration marks scheme.


Under this scheme, vehicle owners may choose their preferred licence plate registration mark, apply to the Transport Department and use it upon approval and following a bidding exercise.


The Revenue (Personalised Vehicle Registration Marks) Bill 2005, introduced into the Legislative Council on May 4, seeks to implement the scheme.


Chan Kam-lam chairs the Legislative Council Bills Committee that is studying the bill. Those interested in giving their views on the scheme are invited to send their written submissions (preferably in both Chinese and English, and with soft copies) to the Clerk to the Bills Committee on or before June 7.


They should also  indicate whether they intend to make oral representations to the Bills Committee at its meeting to be held on June 14 at 2.30pm in the Chamber of the LegCo Building.


Details for submissions 

Submissions will be made available to the media and the public and uploaded onto the LegCo website unless advised otherwise.


Send your views by post to:

Clerk to the Bills Committee on Revenue

(Personalised Vehicle Registration Marks) Bill 2005

Legislative Council Secretariat

3/F Citibank Tower

3 Garden Road

Central, Hong Kong.  


They can also be sent by fax  to 2121 0420, or by email to


Questions? Call 2509 4417 or 2869 9246.