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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
May 4, 2005

Civl service

Broadcasting, telecom bodies merger under study

A public consultation on the proposed merger of the Broadcasting Authority and the Office of the Telecommunications Authority may be launched in mid-2005, Chief Secretary Donald Tsang says. A total of 75 service items, each with a value exceeding $1.3 million, will also be outsourced.


Responding to a query in the Legislative Council today, Mr Tsang said if the proposal is to be implemented, the Office of the Telecommunications Authority and the Television & Entertainment Licensing Authority must be re-organised.


He stressed the Government's firm commitment to delivering efficient and quality public services. Opportunities to improve the efficiency of service delivery by engaging the private sector through Public Private Partnership arrangements will be explored, he added.


To control the size of the Government and to streamline structures and processes, 10 merger exercises involving 20 bureaux and departments have been completed in the last two years to facilitate better integration of policy formulation and implementation. For details, click here.


There are no proposals for the establishment of trading fund units nor are there plans involving corporatisation of existing departments, he added.