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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
March 19, 2005



Post-service job policy improvements mooted


A proposal to improve the existing policy on post-service employment of former directorate civil servants has been issued for consultation within the civil service, Secretary for the Civil Service Joseph Wong says, adding some measures may be implemented in the latter half of this year.


The key proposed improvements are:

* release of the key data of the approved cases to enhance transparency of the whole system and enable the public to better monitor the situation;

* officers who have left the Government but are still in their final leave should not take up any paid employment to address public concerns about the perception problem;

* lengthening of the sanitisation period from six months to 12 months.


Speaking to the media today, Mr Wong stressed the proposal has taken into account the views from lawmakers during the recent motion debate on this subject.


"I think the important thing is we have to really balance the right of the retired civil servants to seek new employment and at the same time, address the concern of the community over a possible conflict of interest or sometimes merely a perception problem," he added.


Mr Wong said views from the civil service, lawmakers and the community will be sought before arriving at a final decision.