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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
January 12, 2005
ICAC committees members named

Chairmen and members have been appointed to the Independent Commission Against Corruption Complaints Committee, its Advisory Committee on Corruption, Citizens Advisory Committee on Community Relations, the Corruption Prevention Advisory Committee and the Operations Review Committee.


The appointments are effective from January 1.


The ICAC Complaints Committee monitors the handling of complaints against the ICAC, reviews ICAC procedures and practices which may lead to complaints, and makes recommendations when necessary.


Anthony Chan joins as a new member of this comittee, while Jasper Tsang was re-appointed as a committee member. They each have a two-year term.


The Advisory Committee on Corruption of the ICAC advises the ICAC Commissioner on any aspect of the problem of corruption in Hong Kong and keeps the operational, staffing and administrative policies of the ICAC under review. The committee also draws to the Chief Executive's attention any special aspect of the work of the ICAC or any problem encountered by it.


The Government has re-appointed Dr Raymond Ch'ien as Chairman for a two-year term.  John Chan, Dr Andrew Chuang and Maria Tam are re-appointed as members, also for a term of two years. Barry Cheung is re-appointed for a one-year term, while Andrew Leung is appointed as a new member for a two-year term.


The Citizens Advisory Committee on Community Relations of the ICAC advises the ICAC Commissioner on appropriate measures to foster public support in combating corruption and to educate the public against the evils of corruption. It also monitors community response to the ICAC's work and public attitudes towards corruption in general.


The Government has re-appointed Anthony Au, Prof Joseph Chan, Chan Yuen-han, Chau How-chen, Cheng Lai-king, Kwan Chuk-fai, Eric Leung, and Kennedy Wong as members of this committee. Patrick Lai and Prof Daniel Shek are appointed as new members of the committee. All appointments and re-appointments are for a two-year term.


The Corruption Prevention Advisory Committee of the ICAC receives and calls for reports from the ICAC Corruption Prevention Department about practices and procedures of government departments, public bodies and the private sector with a view to preventing corruption in the different sectors. It also advises the ICAC Commissioner on the areas that should be examined and the degree of priority accorded.


The Government has re-appointed Barry Cheung as Chairman of this committee for a term of one year. Dr Johnnie Chan, Dr Andrew Chan, Ip Shing-hing, Stephen Liu, Victor So and Dr Andy Wong are re-appointed as members for a two-year term. Philip Chen, Pang Yiu-kai, Helen Wong and Dr Anissa Chan are appointed as new members for a two-year term.


The Operations Review Committee of the ICAC monitors the work of the ICAC Operations Department. It reviews corruption complaints received and investigations conducted by the ICAC to ensure they are handled effectively and efficiently.


It also examines circumstances where search warrants are authorised by the ICAC Commissioner where persons have been put on bail for more than six months, and where investigations have lasted for more than a year or require substantial resources.


The Government has re-appointed Dr Andrew Chuang as Chairman of theis committee. Audrey Eu, Herbert Hui, John Strickland, Herbert Tsoi and Marina Wong are re-appointed as members. Prof Anthony Cheung and Vincent Fang are appointed as new members. All appointments and re-appointments are for a two-year term.