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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
January 7, 2005

Civil service


Resignation not hindering work: CE


The resignation of Lam Woon-kwong has had a certain impact on the Chief Executive's Office's work, but appropriate arrangements have been made to handle the tasks.


Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa said Mr Lam tendered his resignation yesterday on personal grounds. "After talking to him, I decided to respect his wishes and accept his resignation."


Praising Mr Lam's competence and performance, Mr Tung said he is grateful for his contribution.


"In particular, as the Director of the Chief Executive's Office over the past two and a half years, he helped me deal with many important issues," Mr Tung said.


"I am sad that he is leaving us. While his departure has had a certain impact on the work of the Chief Executive's Office, I have made appropriate arrangements to handle our daily work for the time being."