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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
December 31, 2004
New HK Productivity Council members named

The Chief Executive has re-appointed Andrew Leung as Hong Kong Productivity Council chairman for a term of two years and appointed council member Samson Tam as deputy chairman for one year, both effective from tomorrow.


Also, with effect from tomorrow, Dr Raymond Chan, Oscar Chow and Prof Lee Wing-bun become council members, while Willy Lin, Agnes Mak, James Tam, Carrie Willis and Prof Xu Yang-sheng are re-appointed as council members, all for a term of two years.


Mr Leung, first appointed council chairman in January 2003, has made valuable contributions to the HKPC in the past two years.


The role of the council is to provide integrated support to innovative and growth-oriented Hong Kong firms, with the main focus on manufacturing, particularly in Hong Kong's foundation industries, and related service activities.


With its main geographical focus of Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta, the council provides its clients with support services in product development, consultancy, training and technology transfer.


The council comprises a chairman and 22 members, of which 18 are non-official members and five are public officials. Members are drawn from managerial, labour, academic and professional ranks, as well as related Government bureaux and departments.


The new council members are:

* Andrew Leung (Chairman);

* Samson Tam (Deputy Chairman);

* Dr Raymond Chan;

* Chan Wai-lun;

* Oscar Chow;

* Locky Chu;

* Lam Shuk-yee;

* Prof Lee Wing-bun;

* Willy Lin;

* Agnes Mak;

*James Tam;

* Tom Tang;

* Elizabeth Tang;

* Carrie Willis;

* Prof Xu Yang-sheng;

* Paul Yin;

* Daniel Yip;

* Paul Young;

* Permanent Secretary for Commerce, Industry & Technology (Communications & Technology);

* Commissioner for Innovation & Technology;

* Director-General of Trade & Industry;

* Government Economist; and

* Deputy Commissioner for Labour.