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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
November 24, 2004
Intake of Mainland students explored

A preliminary study is being conducted to facilitate the intake of Mainland students, Chief Secretary for Administration Donald Tsang says.


He told legislators today that the present immigration policy allowing entry of non-local students for primary and secondary education at non-public sector schools does not apply to Mainland students.


"We appreciate the merit of having non-local students in our education system and are now studying how our immigration and related policies may facilitate the intake of these students. Discussions are at a preliminary stage and when more implementation details have been formulated, we shall consult relevant sectors."


Mr Tsang said the Task Force on Population Policy is studying overseas policies and practices in areas including eligibility and portability of public benefits, attracting professionals, talents and investors, concept of retirement age, as well as measures for encouraging childbirth.


The studies will provide useful reference of alternative options and facilitate the Task Force to map out a strategy that will be appropriate for Hong Kong's long-term development as a knowledge-based economy, he said.