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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
November 21, 2004
Constitutional development

Consensus the only way forward: Stephen Lam


The Basic Law has very clear stipulations on procedures regarding amendments to the two electoral methods for returning the Chief Executive in 2007 and for forming the Legislative Council in 2008, Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Stephen Lam says.


"It is very necessary for all political parties and all members of the legislature to appreciate and respect this constitutional order," he said, adding this is the only way to go forward.


Speaking after visiting a Southern District Council Tin Wan Constituency By-election polling station today, Mr Lam said what is in the best interest of Hong Kong is for the community to work together on a package of proposals which further opens up the two electoral methods.


"We need a tripartite consensus. We need to secure two-thirds majority support in the Legislative Council, consent of the Chief Executive and endorsement by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress," he said.


"Aside from these three steps, it would be inappropriate and unnecessary for us to add on a further procedure."


Mr Lam called on members of the democratic camp not to pursue a referendum, which he said is not going to be productive.


On reaching the tripartite consensus, Mr Lam said it is not going to be easy, but provided all political parties, including the Democratic Party, appreciate that it is necessary for all of us in Hong Kong and for Beijing to work together, there stands a chance.


"We hope to further this communication and dialogue within the next half year or so. Hopefully by mid-2005, we will have a consensus emerging from the community and then thereafter we can deal with the amendments to Annexes I and II of the Basic Law and local legislation," he said.