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November 2, 2004
European traders see HK as valuable partner: CS
CS in Dublin
Dublin discussion: Chief Secretary for Administration Donald Tsang meets Chairman of the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Irish Parliament Dr Michael Woods in Dublin.

European business leaders are very positive about Hong Kong's economic prospects and recognise it as a very valuable partner playing an important role in doing business in the Mainland and Asia-Pacific region, Chief Secretary for Administration Donald Tsang says.


Wrapping up his nine-day visit to Europe yesterday, he said: "Hong Kong will continue to specialise at the things we are good at, such as financial and business services."


Hong Kong will continue to pursue consistent polices to facilitate foreign investment and trade, which include maintaining the rule of law, supported by an independent judiciary, the free flow of information, and a level playing field for all businesses.


Apart from updating European officials on Hong Kong's developments, Mr Tsang also discussed its economic development strategy for the coming years in the Pan-Pearl River Delta region.


He began the final day of his European trip by briefing Irish business leaders on Hong Kong's latest economic initiatives.


At a breakfast meeting with board members of the Ireland Hong Kong Business Forum in Dublin, Mr Tsang updated them on Hong Kong's continuing economic recovery and the opportunities for foreign investors arising from CEPA and the Pan-PRD co-operation forum.


Later in the day, he met with Chairman of the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Irish Parliament Michael Woods, and addressed students at the Michael Smurfit School of Business at University College Dublin.


Mr Tsang returns to Hong Kong tonight.