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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
October 20, 2004
6 nominations received for Tin Wan by-election

Nominations have closed for the Southern District Council Tin Wan Constituency by-election, with six submissions received.


One was submitted by marine engineer Fung Wa-hing, an independent, today the last day of nominations.


The other five nominees are:

* Kwan Man-yau (Liberal Party), executive director of the office of a District Council member;

* Chan Fu-ming, executive of the office of a District Council member;

* Wong Huk-kam (The Frontier), solicitor;

* Chan Pak-chuen (independent), FCPA (practising); and,

* Chong Yui, Chinese herbal doctor.


A briefing session for candidates and their agents will be held at the Southern District Council Conference Room on October 23, when Electoral Affairs Commission Chairman Justice Woo Kwok-hing will introduce guidelines on election-related activities.


An Independent Commission Against Corruption officer will explain the Elections (Corrupt & Illegal Conduct) Ordinance, while representatives of the Registration & Electoral Office, the Post Office and the Department of Justice will also be present.


After the briefing, the Returning Officer will draw lots to determine the order of the candidates' names to be printed on the ballot papers.


The poll will be conducted on November 21, and the successful candidate will fill a seat that became vacant after former Southern District Council Member Miu Wah-chang was disqualified from holding office.