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October 12, 2004
Laura Cha, Bernard Chan join ExCo
ExCo members introduced
Fresh perspectives: Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa (centre) introduces two new ExCo members. Bernard Chan is the Legislative Council member representing the insurance functional constituency while Laura Cha is the former vice chair of China's Securities Regulatory Commission.

Laura Cha, the former vice chairman of China's Securities Regulatory Commission, and Legislative Council member Bernard Chan, who represents the insurance functional constituency, have been named non-official Executive Council members.


Introducing the two at a midday press conference, Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa said he felt they had much to offer the council.


"Laura has a legal background and she has worked for a long time in the finance and securities sector, both in Hong Kong and in the Central Government's security and regulatory bodies," he said of Mrs Cha.


"She has a good knowledge of the industry, not just local, but regionally and internationally. With her wealth of knowledge, I'm quite sure she will be a valuable addition."


Before accepting the Mainland post which she held for three years, Mrs Cha had served as the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Securities & Futures Commission. In the early to mid-1980s, she practised law in the US, and returned to Hong Kong in 1985, working with the American law firm Coudert Brothers. She took up her first post with the SFC in 1991.


"We want to maintain Hong Kong as a leading financial centre and I'm sure she will be able to help there," Mr Tung said.


Chan to bring new voices to Council

Mr Tung noted that Mr Chan was "totally dedicated to his work in LegCo, and has made tremendous contributions" to the insurance sector. He pointed to his work on various bodies, including his chairmanship of the Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries & Conditions of Service and of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service.


Mr Chan's valuable business and social welfare contacts would enable him to bring fresh perspectives to ExCo, Mr Tung said.


Mr Chan is also a member of the Alliance, five LegCo members representing functional constituencies who agree to vote as a bloc as far as possible.


In reply to a reporter's query, Mr Chan said: "The message I got from the Alliance was that they supported me."


"This is an appointment in my  personal capacity, and I can't expect them all to share the same view as the Government on all matters. My duty would be to convince the other members to support the Government. I want to secure those votes as far as possible."


He added the other members of the Alliance have no intention to disrupt this Government.  


Constitutional Development to be high on Gov't agenda

"We all agree that in the next few years, constitutional development will be the hot topic. We are interested in seeing wider participation, especially from the middle class."


It is not practical to put forward a date for making changes in the electoral system without all the other parts lined up, he added.


"We need to get the middle class engagement, get more people interested in discussing political issues. Then we can move faster," he said.


Former SFC watchdog to use past experiences as a guide

In response to a reporter's query about possible conflicts of interest since Mrs Cha holds several corporate directorships, she replied that she would use her past experiences, principles and integrity as a guide.


"Hong Kong has an advanced system for disclosure of interests. Checks and balances provided by the public and the media are good and transparent," she said, adding that she had a good reputation for her professionalism.


CE plans regular meetings with democrats

When asked why he had not invited a representative from the Democratic camp to join the council, Mr Tung said he would not comment on the arrangements for appointing individuals.


"I attach great importance to the Democratic camp and the Democratic Party," he stressed. "We all work for the prosperity of Hong Kong and the overall good of Hong Kong. I am willing to work together with the Democratic Party."


He added: "I'm sure we would have regular meetings and this would be our intention."