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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
October 8, 2004
York Chow new health, welfare chief
york chow

New recruit: Dr York Chow is appointed Secretary for Health, Welfare & Food by Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa.

The Central People's Government has, on the nomination and recommendation of the Chief Executive, approved the appointment of Dr York Chow as the new Secretary for Health, Welfare & Food.


Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa said Dr Chow is a medical specialist with extensive experience and knowledge in policy making and management, and has long been participating in social welfare.


Mr Tung said he has full confidence that Dr Chow can meet the challenges, and thanked out-going secretary Dr Yeoh Eng-kiong for his dedicated public service.


Dr Chow, the Hospital Authority's Hong Kong West Cluster Chief Executive, thanked the Chief Executive for giving him the opportunity to serve Hong Kong.


Huge task

He said: "It is a huge responsibility, particularly in safeguarding the underprivileged of Hong Kong society, and to ensure they enjoy equal opportunities and participation in the community with quality of life."


Dr Chow said the Chief Executive approached him in mid-September over the new job, and he spent two days considering his suitability before accepting the offer.


He said it will not be an easy task, however, he is thankful there are many well-qualified professionals and dedicated staff in all departments of the Health, Welfare & Food Bureau.


He said he will spend his initial weeks in the post taking in the bureau's major issues, in particular listening to the public and their advocates. Top priorities are to address the effective support and services to be given to the elderly, the disabled, the chronically-ill and families disadvantaged by poverty, and the early detection and control of infectious disease.