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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
September 26, 2004

Constitutional development

Reform consultation may be extended

The Government will consider proposals from newly elected legislators to extend the deadline of the consultation period for the Third Report of the Constitutional Development Task Force, hoping that given more time, they will be able to consolidate their views and organise their submissions, Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Stephen Lam says.


The consultation period has already been extended by one month, until the end of September.


"Basically we need to consider the time that we still have for conducting further rounds of public consultation, and what we need to do beyond the Third Report," he said, adding a response will be given soon.


Mr Lam gave the above remarks to the media after a forum organised by SynergyNet.


During the forum, Mr Lam said governance will be an important agenda item for the Government over the next two years or so, in addition to promoting economic development and dealing with the systems for electing the Chief Executive in 2007 and the Legislative Council in 2008.


Accountability system needs time to develop

He said the accountability system needs time to evolve and develop.


"What we will do over the next few years is to improve the operation of the system in the light of the experience gained.


"We will focus on the political work of the Principal Officials by strengthening our linkage with the districts and the relevant sectors and organisations.


"We will also make better use of the existing system of advisory boards and committees to keep a close tab on public opinion, to improve our policy-making capabilities," he said.


Political parties to broaden participation

Mr Lam said the Government will broaden the scope for political parties to participate in public affairs so that they can accumulate operational experience. This, in turn, will be conducive to their long-term development.


The "$10 per vote" financial subsidy scheme introduced for the 2004 LegCo election was contemplated with this in mind.


Mr Lam said the Government will pursue three main directions to strengthen the working relationship with the new LegCo.


Government-LegCo relationship to be strengthened

"Principal Officials will review their working priorities to tie in with the overall policy agenda of the Government.


"We hope to provide the public with a clear policy agenda. We will also ensure better coordination between different policy areas and avoid overloading the community with too many controversial issues at any one time.


"Secondly, whenever practicable, we will consult LegCo members on new government proposals as early as possible so that their views will have been taken into account in the process of policy formulation.


"Thirdly, we will adopt an inclusive lobbying strategy in that we will try to lobby for the support of all LegCo Members, irrespective of their political background."


Mr Lam said the Government's strategy is not only to win enough votes to ensure the passage of the government bills or budgetary proposals, but to ensure government proposals have broad-based support within and outside the legislature.


Mr Lam said the election for the third term LegCo demonstrated that Hong Kong people cared about and are willing to participate in public affairs.


"Furthermore, in relation to the two electoral methods in 2007 and 2008 respectively, we should make good use of the room available to us to further open up the systems.


"The electoral systems aside, the Government will continue to canvass public opinion and strengthen cooperation between the executive and legislative authorities in other areas," he said.