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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 23, 2004
Constitutional development
Public urged to express constitutional views

The community should take advantage of the extended consultation period for airing their views on selection methods for the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council.


This was the message today from Chief Secretary for Administration Donald Tsang who said making the selection methods more representative is the common objective of Hong Kong people.


Speaking after a focus group discussion at North Point Government Offices today, Mr Tsang said all views received are important references for mapping out future constitutional options.


The Constitutional Development Task Force has organised 12 seminars so far, with over 850 participants. It has also received 150 submissions from other people.


"They have suggested a whole variety of amendments, and all of them gear towards making the election methods more open, more representative, allowing more people to participate in the elections of the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council," Mr Tsang said.