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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 13, 2004
159 candidates cleared for LegCo poll

The names of 159 Legislative Council election candidates, together with their candidate number or list number that will be printed on ballot papers, were gazetted today.


Returning Officers have completed the verification of all 109 nominations received for the September election. All but three have been ruled valid.


Thirty-five lists of 88 candidates are running for 30 seats in five geographical constituencies. Another 60 candidates are competing for 19 seats in 17 functional constituencies.


Eleven candidates have been elected unopposed in 11 functionals. These are Heung Yee Kuk; Agriculture & Fisheries; Insurance; Transport; Real Estate & Construction; Commercial (first); Commercial (second); Industrial (First); Industrial (second); Finance; and Import & Export functional constituencies.


For candidate information click here.