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August 5, 2004



Upcoming LegCo elections 'competitive'

LegCo elections campaign
Have your say: Electoral Affairs Commission chairman Justice Woo Kwok-hing (left) and Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Stephen Lam (second from right) join popular artistes in a LegCo election publicity drive in Tsim Sha Tsui.

The upcoming Legislative Council elections will be competitive as there is an all-time record of more than 160 candidates and a record-breaking 3.2 million registered voters.


This was the message from Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Stephen Lam.


Speaking to the media today, Mr Lam said the elections are important as half of the seats will be returned by direct elections.


"The Legislative Council to be formed for the third term in September this year will help to shape our constitutional development progress," he said.


"We will need to secure a two-thirds majority in the house for any package on electoral reform to be approved and to be taken forward. So we are not just electing a Legislative Council for the third term. We are electing a council which will help shape our constitutional future."


Political groups, candidates maturing 'gradually'

Mr Lam also noted political groups and independent candidates are maturing gradually and are progressing towards a situation whereby they have a firmer grasp of the political support that they have here.


He called on all candidates and their supporters to abide by the rules and preserve Hong Kong's graft-free and open electoral system. Voters are also urged to cast their votes on September 12.