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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 4, 2004
109 LegCo nominations received

A total of 109 nominations have been received for the 2004 Legislative Council Election.


Six more nominations were received for the five geographical constituencies and six in the four functionals today, the end of the two-week nomination period.


The geographical constituency saw two nominations in Kowloon East and one each on Hong Kong Island, Kowloon West, New Territories West and New Territories East.


37 candidate lists for geographical constituency

During the nomination period, 37 candidate lists consisting of 90 candidates submitted nominations for geographical constituency polls, and 72 came forward for functional polls.


The accumulative nominations for the geographical constituency are 37, with six on Hong Kong Island, seven in Kowloon West, five in Kowloon East, 13 in New Territories West and six in New Territories East.


For the functionals, two nominations each were received today on Health Services and Information Technology, and one each on Medical and Architectural, Surveying & Planning.


Seventy-two nominations were received for the functional constituency, with nine in Accountancy, six in Architectural, Survey & Planning, five in Financial Services and four each in Health Services, Labour and Information Technology.


Three nominations each were received in Legal, Medical, Social Welfare, Tourism, Wholesale & Retailing, Catering and District Council, with two each in Education, Engineering, Textile & Garment as well as Sports, Performing Arts, Culture & Publication.


One nomination for 11 functional constituencies

The following constituencies received one nomination: Heung Yee Kuk, Agriculture & Fisheries, Insurance, Transport, Real Estate & Construction, Commercial (First), Commercial (Second), Industry (First), Industry (Second), Finance and Import & Export.


The names of all validly-nominated candidates for the election will be gazetted on August 13 after validation by Returning Officers.


Personal particulars of the nominees are available on the election website.