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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
July 1, 2004
Gov't striving to improve governance: CE
Tung Chee Hwa
To Hong Kong!: Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa raises his glass in a toast at a reception to celebrate the seventh anniversary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's establishment.

Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa says he clearly hears the views of rally participants and understands their aspirations. He promises to seriously respond to their views and improve governance.


In response to a public procession today, Mr Tung delivered a statement at Government House. He thanked Hong Kong citizens for their advice, criticism and support throughout the year.


He said the Government has worked hard to respond to their aspirations and that is why Hong Kong's economy is now experiencing a strong rebound while governance and public sentiment is also improving.


"It is just a beginning and there is still a great deal of work that needs to be done," he said.


The Chief Executive said the Government has improved its governance but there are still inadequacies to be addressed. He stressed that the Government will continue working hard in this area.


Public invited to take part in constitutional consultation

On political issues, he promised to take forward constitutional development towards democracy with the ultimate aim of practising universal suffrage in accordance with the priniciple of "a gradual and orderly progress",  the Basic Law, and the interpretation and decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.


Mr Tung invited various sectors of the community to actively participate in the consultation exercise launched by the Constitutional Development Task Force. 


"Although our economy is rebounding strongly, I recognise that not all had been able to share the benefit of this recovery. We need to ensure our economy recovery is sustained so that people's livelihood  can been improved."


He also stressed that Hong Kong needs to maintain a healthy relationship with the Central Authorities.


Road ahead long and hard

"These are enormous responsibilities. The road ahead will be long and hard. But with concerted effort of the every member of our community, I know we will succeed," he said.


"Let us work together to build a stable, free, harmonious and united Hong Kong." 


Speaking at a reception in celebration of the seventh anniversary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's establishment this morning, Mr Tung said he appreciates the care and support the Mainland Authorities bestow on the city.


Central Govt's support appreciated

"Thanks to the staunch support of the Central Government and the concerted efforts of all citizens, we have managed to tide over all difficulties and Hong Kong has now turned the corner."


Noting that the community has aspirations for social cohesion and harmony and further economic growth, he stressed that the Government will continue its work towards this end.


"With seven years' experience in implementing 'One Country, Two Systems', we will be able to continue striding ahead. We are confident that Hong Kong will emerge stronger from any challenges in the future."