The Government has appointed eight new members to the Committee on the Promotion of Racial Harmony for a two-year term from June 1, 2004. It also reappointed four serving members for another two-year term.
The new members are:
* Diya Gurung;
* Annie Lin;
* Sem Lim Njauw;
* Ng Wong Lien-fa;
* Prem Chandra Rai;
* Muhammed Javed Shahab;
* Buddhi Bahadur Thapa; and
* Saeed-Uddin.
They join existing member Reiko Harima and the four re-appointed members, Louise Chan, Adrielle Panares, Vandana Rajwani and Fermi Wong.
The committee also includes representatives from the Education & Manpower Bureau, Home Affairs Department, Information Services Department and Labour Department.
Being a non-statutory advisory body, it advises the Government on public education and publicity to foster racial harmony in the community and to enhance mutual understanding between people of different ethnic origins.