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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
June 25, 2004
Nominations for LegCo poll to start

Nominations for the upcoming Legislative Council election will be accepted from July 22 to August 4, the Electoral Affairs Commission says.


Nominees must hand in completed nomination forms in person to the relevant returning officer, from 9am to 5pm from Monday to Friday and from 9am to noon on Saturday.


Nomination forms are now available for collection at any District Office, the relevant returning officer's office, or the Registration & Electoral Office at 10/F, Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour Road, Wan Chai.


They can also be downloaded from the commission's website.


In the election on September 12, 60 members will be returned to the council, 30 by geographical constituencies and 30 by functional constituencies.


Returning officers appointed  

Meanwhile, the commission has announced the appointment of returning officers and assistant returning officers for the five geographical constituencies and 28 functional constituencies in the forthcoming election.


The returning officers and assistant returning officers will deal with nomination of candidates and other electoral duties in respect of the constituency under their charge.


A notice of appointments was gazetted today. For details, click here.