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May 22, 2004
Constitutional development
Constitutional development seminar set for May 24

The first seminar on constitutional development with a theme on methods for the selection of the Chief Executive in 2007 and for forming the Legislative Council in 2008 will be held May 24.

It will be held by the Central Policy Unit as commissioned by the Constitutional Development Task Force.


The seminar aims to enable the participants from various sectors gain a better understanding of one another's views and concerns through direct communication. It will be held again in June.


Participants will include members of the Executive and Legislative Councils, District Council Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen, Election Committee Members, academia, and representatives of think tanks, the legal, industrial and commerce and other sectors.


Lingnan University President Professor Edward Chen is the facilitator. The seminar will be held at the old wing of the Convention & Exhibition Centre.


The task force also welcomes written submissions and proposals from organisations and individuals on the areas which may be considered for amendments as set out in the Third Report of the Constitutional Development Task Force, as well as other areas regarding the two election methods.


Submission deadline is August 31. Meetings with the Task Force can be arranged on request.