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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
May 16, 2004
Constitutional development
CE meets with US Asst Secy of State

Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa met with the US Assistant Secretary of State James Kelly today and exchanged views on issues relating to Hong Kong's recent economic and constitutional developments.


Mr Kelly, who is in charge of the US Department of State's East Asian & Pacific Affairs Bureau, also discussed economic and trade relations between the US and Hong Kong with Mr Tung.


On constitutional development, Mr Tung said Hong Kong will take forward the selection of the Chief Executive in 2007 and the forming of the Legislative Council in 2008 in accordance with the interpretation promulgated and the decision adopted by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.


In the process, the Government will continue to consult widely all sectors in Hong Kong and is confident of developing an arrangement for the 07-08 elections in the best interests of Hong Kong.


Mr Tung stressed that universal suffrage remained the ultimate aim. In the meantime, the Government will continue to uphold the rule of law, protect all the freedoms as provided for under the Basic Law, and ensure its transparency and accountability.