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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
April 23, 2004
Edward Cheng to head Urban Renewal Authority

Edward Cheng has been appointed Board Chairman of the Urban Renewal Authority. His appointment and those of the 17 non-executive directors' will be effective from May 1, and gazetted on April 30.


Secretary for Housing, Planning & Lands Michael Suen said Mr Cheng has extensive experience in community service, including Government boards and committees.


"His expertise and experience in business, finance and property development will be highly valuable in steering the work of the authority, which comprises redevelopment, rehabilitation, revitalisation and preservation."


Mr Suen said the Government looks forward to working closely with the new board in taking forward the policy initiative to expedite urban renewal.


"The Government is grateful to the retiring members for their contribution to the work of the authority, in particular to Dr Lau Wah-sum, its retiring founding chairman, for his leadership and numerous contributions in both the work of the authority and the former Land Development Corporation over the years," Mr Suen said.


The non-executive directors list is: Cecilia Chan, Francis Chau, Barry Cheung, Peggy Lam, Maurice Lee, Lo Chung-hing, David Lung, Maria Tam, Allan Zeman, Chan Kam-lam, Ambrose Lau, Lau Ping-cheung, Fred Li, and the Directors of Buildings, Home Affairs, Lands and Planning.