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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
April 22, 2004
Constitutional development
HK people's views to be fully reflected: Qiao

National People's Congress Standing Committee Deputy Secretary-General Qiao Xiaoyang says Hong Kong people having different views on constitutional affairs is natural, and he will fully report the community's opinions to the body.


After meeting with the Constitutional Development Task Force in Shenzhen today, Mr Qiao said most people he has met in the past two days find the Chief Executive's report acceptable.


Most agreed the methods for selecting the Chief Executive in 2007 and for forming the Legislative Council in 2008 should be amended and that the nine guiding principles comply with the Basic Law.


Report to be carefully studied

Chief Secretary for Administration Donald Tsang said the task force has explained its second report and reported the public's response to Mr Qiao. The task force also explained that some Hong Kong people have concerns over the nine guiding principles.


Mr Qiao told them the Central Government's concerns over Hong Kong and fully understands its situation. The Central Government will carefully study the report and make a decision according to the principles of 'gradual and orderly progress' and Hong Kong's actual situation.


Mr Qiao said legal procedures and principles are an important basis for constitutional development, so the Chief Executive and LegCo selection methods must comply with the Basic Law and the One Country Two Systems principle.


The task force is now waiting for the committee's decision on April 26, Mr Tsang said. The Government will make appropriate arrangements after the decision and Mr Qiao and a number of Mainland officials have agreed to visit Hong Kong again to explain the decision.