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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
April 4, 2004
Public reaction under close watch: Stephen Lam
stephen lam
Basic Law promoter: Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Stephen Lam greets students at the flag- raising ceremony.

Public reaction to the National People's Congress Standing Committee's interpretations on Basic Law Annexes I & II will be closely studied by the Government.


Speaking after the 14th Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Basic Law Student Flag-Raising Ceremony today, Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Stephen Lam expects the committee's interpretations will cover the five major points listed in the Constitutional Development Task Force's first report.


He reiterated that the interpretations will clarify the views and enable Hong Kong to proceed with its work on constitutional development.


Mr Lam said the Government will continue communicating with the community over the issue.


To promote the Basic Law, Mr Lam said the Government will step up publicity in three ways:

* giving full explanations of various chapters of the Basic Law;

* linking the promotion with national education; and,

* co-operating with various organisations to promote the subject.


For a list of activities commemorating the 14th Anniversary of the promulgation of the Basic Law, click here.