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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
March 31, 2004
Constitutional affairs
Basic Law promotion to be bolstered

To boost public knowledge of the Basic Law, promotion of it will be enhanced, Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Stephen Lam says.


Mr Lam told legislators today the move is in response to suggestions by several organisations and individuals who said public understanding of the document should be upgraded.


He said the Government will:

* promote the Basic Law in a more comprehensive manner by explaining its drafting history and process. Apart from promoting the characteristics of "Two Systems", it will also incorporate the concept of "One Country" in the promotion activities;

* strengthen the element of national education in promoting the Basic Law, by enhancing public understanding of the nation through various activities; and,

* encourage community organisations to promote the Basic Law at district level to dovetail with the Government's overall strategy.


Hong Kong's ties to be strengthened

To facilitate the conduct Hong Kong's external affairs, Mr Lam also said the Constitutional Affairs Bureau will act as a focal point of contact between the Government and the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


"We will also advise bureaux and departments on the conduct of Hong Kong's external affairs in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Basic Law and the 'One Country, Two Systems' principle," he said.


"We will assist bureaux and departments to establish channels of communication and develop an effective working relationship with relevant Mainland authorities and with Macau."


Enhanced exchanges set with Guangdong, Shanghai and Taiwan

He said the bureaux will provide support for the HK-Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference and the HK-Shanghai Economic & Trade Co-operation Conference.


"We will liaise with the Guangdong Provincial People's Government and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government to strengthen co-operation," he said.


In accordance with "Qian's Seven Principles", Mr Lam said the Government will enhance economic and cultural exchange between Hong Kong and Taiwan.


"We will introduce to Taiwan visitors from the business and other professional fields, the successful implementation of the 'One Country, Two Systems' principle through briefings on the latest developments in Hong Kong and visits to Government bureaux and departments. We will also continue to liaise with Chung Hwa Travel Service on matters relating to Hong Kong-Taiwan relations."