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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
March 24, 2004

Voter registration campaign to start


A $15-million voter registration campaign for the Legislative Council election in September will be held from April 3 to May 16.


It will encourage people to register as electors and remind those already signed up to ensure their addresses are updated. All households will soon receive individual appeal letters urging them to register as electors or to update their address records.


The Constitutional Affairs Bureau said the $3 million initiative is part of a multi-pronged and cost-effective promotion to achieve a better outcome. Household visits to new residential areas will also be conducted.


Political parties and other organisations have obtained 400,000 voter registration forms for distribution.


The bureau believes that with the joint efforts of the Government and different sectors, the campaign will achieve a good result.


It is estimated about 1.6 million eligible electors for the geographical and functional constituencies have not yet registered.


Voter registration forms are available at the Voter Registration website, district offices, estate management offices, post offices and the Registration & Electoral Office.


People with e-certificates can register directly on the Electronic Services Delivery website.