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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
March 19, 2004

Constitution body to brief the public

Donald Tsang

Open and accountable: Chief Secretary for Administration Donald Tsang says the task force will give the public an account of its work progress next month.

The Constitutional Development Task Force will continue listen to views from all sectors of the community and will give the public an account of its work progress next month.


This was the message today from Chief Secretary for Administration Donald Tsang, who also heads the task force.


The group today met with district councillors to hear their views on the principles and legislative process in the Basic Law relating to constitutional development.


Mr Tsang said the task force had three meetings with district councillors. It also met district board chairmen. Mr Tsang said members voiced their opinions frankly.


The task force will continue its meetings with various community organisations until the end of this month, and will inform the public the progress of its work in April.