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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
March 6, 2004


President Hu aware of constitutional views
CE meets President Hu
Views heard: Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa updates President Hu Jintao on Hong Kong's developments.

Hong Kong people's rational discussion on constitutional development has been commended by President Hu Jintao, who said he is aware of our views on the issue.


During a meeting with President Hu in Beijing today, Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa updated him on our latest economic, social and political developments.


Mr Tung also briefed him on constitutional development discussions here, and the views of different sectors on the issue.


President Hu reiterated the Central Government's support for Hong Kong, and called on all sectors of the community to unite and work for a better city.


Mr Tung said President Hu highly appreciated our rational discussion. He also quoted Mr Hu as saying that Deng Xiaoping's views on One Country, Two Systems will help us understand the principle more comprehensively and accurately.