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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
February 18, 2004

Constitutional development

Task force to seek community's reform views

The Constitutional Development Task Force will meet more than 30 organisations and individuals between now and early March, the Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Stephen Lam said.


In his written reply to Legislative Council member Michael Mak, he said, to date, the Task Force had conducted 21 sessions with organisations and individuals from different community sectors.


They included six political parties and political groups, five politically non-affiliated LegCo members, three chambers of commerce, eight advocacy groups, chairpersons and vice-chairpersons of District Councils, and 19 academics, commentators and individuals.


Questions to be posted to website

To facilitate wider discussion of the issues on principles and legislative process in the Basic Law, the Task Force will post the issues, in the form of questions, onto its website, so that the public and different organisations can express their views through this channel.


The Task Force will also continue to report to the LegCo Panel on Constitutional Affairs on its progress, and listen to LegCo members' views.


"We hope that the Hong Kong community will discuss these issues on principles and legislative process rationally, consider the matter thoroughly and strive for consensus, as further work on constitutional development will need to build upon these issues on principles and legislative process," Mr Lam said.