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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
December 27, 2003


102 District Councillors appointed

Some 102 people have been appointed members of the second-term District Councils for a four-year term from January 1.


All members are appointed in their personal capacity in accordance with the District Councils Ordinance. Of them, 59 are re-appointees and 43 are new.


Over 60% are professionals from various fields, including education, medical, legal, engineering, architecture and social services, and about 80% are independents.


Appointment system an extra channel for capable people

Secretary for Home Affairs Dr Patrick Ho said the District Councils Ordinance has clearly set out that the councils are composed of elected, ex-officio and appointed members.


The Chief Executive has made the appointments in accordance with legal provisions and in line with the principle governing the composition of the councils, he said.


The appointment system provides an additional channel for capable and experienced individuals who are interested in district affairs to serve the community, he said.


In considering an individual for appointment, the Government takes into account his integrity, ability, professional qualifications, public service record, experience in district work, and commitment to serve the community.


The Government has not appointed candidates who failed in the 2003 District Council Election nor elected members in the current term who did not participate in this year's election.


Dr Ho said all elected and appointed members of the new District Councils will work together and do their very best to serve the community.


"They will be working as close partners with the 18 District Officers to build a better community for all," he said.


Appointment system to be reviewed

The Government understands that our community has different views on the appointment system, Dr Ho said, adding that it has promised to review the District Councils' role, function and composition.


The appointment system will be part of the review and the Government will widely garner public views.


All the appointees have agreed to accept the appointment. Subject to completion of formalities, the appointments will be gazetted in January.


For a full list of the appointees, click here.