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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
December 12, 2003

Harbour Fest panel appointed


Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa has appointed Moses Cheng and Brian Stevenson to look into the Harbour Fest event.


The two-member Independent Panel of Inquiry will submit their report to Mr Tung by March 31. In view of the wide public interest, the Government will publish the report.


"The panel will conduct a thorough review of the event, identify any deficiencies as well as the responsibilities of any party for such deficiencies, and see what lessons can be learned for future reference," Mr Tung said.


There were many parties involved in various stages of the deliberations, planning and organisation of the event. Messrs Cheng and Stevenson called for their full co-operation.


They will interview those involved in the event and seek the views of those who can shed light on entertainment industry practices and garner their suggestions for improvement.


The panellists said the inquiry will be challenging, and pledged to conduct it in a fair, impartial and professional manner.


Terms of reference

The panel will:

* examine the procedures for assessing and approving the American Chamber of Commerce's proposal for Harbour Fest in the Economic Relaunch Working Group;

* evaluate the organisation, administration and implementation of Harbour Fest by AmCham and the Government's role in overseeing its actions in this regard;

* identify deficiencies, if any, of such procedures and processes, and where appropriate, the responsibility of any party for such deficiencies; and,

* make recommendations, where appropriate, on improvements for any similar future events that might require government sponsorship.


Mr Cheng is a senior partner of a solicitors firm and Mr Stevenson is a former president of the Society of Accountants. Both are distinguished members of their respective professions.