CEPA forum held
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Ministry of Commerce today co-organised a forum on the Second Agreement Concerning Amendment to the Mainland & Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) Agreement on Trade in Services (Amendment Agreement II).
The forum aimed to familiarise business sectors with the liberalisation measures and implementation arrangements of the Amendment Agreement II signed by both sides under the CEPA framework on October 9, 2024.
The Hong Kong SAR Government thanked the central government for its support for the Hong Kong SAR, with the Ministry of Commerce and relevant authorities actively responding to the Hong Kong SAR Government’s proposal of further opening up the Mainland market to Hong Kong in trade in services and signing the Amendment Agreement II, enabling more Hong Kong businesses and professionals to enter the Mainland market with more preferential treatment.
Representatives from over 20 central ministries and Hong Kong SAR Government bureaus and departments briefed participants at the forum on the content and implementation arrangements of the Amendment Agreement II as well as the criteria and procedures for application for preferential treatment, and answered questions from the trade.
Over 350 people, including representatives from local and foreign chambers of commerce, consulates, major trade associations and professional sectors, participated in the forum.
To be implemented on March 1, the Amendment Agreement II introduces new liberalisation measures across a number of service sectors where Hong Kong enjoys competitive advantages, thus making it easier for Hong Kong service suppliers and professionals to set up enterprises and develop businesses in the Mainland.