Anti-drug activities launched

February 7, 2025

Secretary for Security Tang Ping-keung today officiated at the opening ceremony of a series of activities to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN).


Co-organised with the Security Bureau, the activities include an interactive roving exhibition in education institutions and competitions to consolidate anti-drug awareness in the community.


Mr Tang said at the ceremony that the Government plans to gazette the listing of etomidate, the main ingredient of the “space oil drug”, as a dangerous drug with immediate effect on February 14.


Possession, vaping or drug trafficking will then be liable for very serious criminal punishment, he stressed, adding that the law enforcement agencies are well-prepared for anti-narcotics work.


One of the events commemorating ACAN's 60th anniversary is a roving exhibition for people to learn about anti-drug work in the past, present and future.


The exhibition features a theme zone displaying anti-drug posters produced between 1960 and 2025. The poster collection not only provides a review of various publicity campaigns but also reflects the changes in communication strategies in response to society's development over the years.


Precious historical photos, videos and TV announcements are displayed at the theme zone, reviewing the changes in Hong Kong's anti-drug work as the times evolved.


Including the elements of science, technology, engineering and mathematics as well as multimedia, the roving exhibition also comprises games, digital panels and photo booths to provide information about criminal liability for drug offences and ways of seeking help.


The first stop of the roving exhibition is being staged until February 10, from 10am to 8pm at Hong Kong City Hall.


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