Sports park set for stress test

December 7, 2024

Secretary for Transport & Logistics Mable Chan said today that stress tests for the Kai Tak Sports Park are aimed at stepping up mobilisation and form part of holistic preparations to cater for different scenarios.


A stress test, involving 12,000 people, will be held at the sports park tomorrow.


After appearing on a radio programme this morning, Ms Chan told reporters that the Transport & Logistics Bureau will participate in the test together with various other bureaus and departments. Various public transport operators will also be involved.


“We hope that through the various stress tests, we will step up our mobilisation, our preparation, and make ourselves better prepared for different scenarios, such that when the sports park is commissioned, we will have a better and holistic preparation to cater for different scenarios.


“It is, after all, a very significant milestone in Hong Kong's tourism development. We will give our best in order to make this a success, and also to give the best service for our locals and also for our visitors.”


With regard to railway infrastructure development, Ms Chan said she will adopt a "double innovation" approach.


“I think the infrastructure projects did provide a very good opportunity for Hong Kong's local development, as well as further development of our economy.


“We will work very hard and adopt a double innovation approach. That is, we will adopt innovation in technology as well as an innovative mindset in the policy and procedural framework in order to catch up with the time we have lost as well as to conduct the project expeditiously.”

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