Film about youth scheme premiered

October 27, 2024
Striving upwards
Striving upwards:

Chief Secretary Chan Kwok-ki (centre), along with other officials, joins star mentors at the premiere of a microfilm for the Strive & Rise Programme.

Chief Secretary Chan Kwok-ki today officiated at the premiere of a short film produced by the Government to showcase the achievements of the Strive & Rise Programme.


Mr Chan joined an audience comprising strategic partners and representatives of supporting organisations, as well as mentors and mentees under the programme, to enjoy the screening.


The 22-minute film highlights the growth and transformation of students from underprivileged families after participating in the programme, which is jointly run by the Government, the business sector and the community.


It tells the story of a mentee who, under the guidance of her mentor, transforms from being a girl with low self-esteem into one with a positive outlook and definite goals for the future.


Speaking at the premiere, Mr Chan said the main concept of the film is faith in the future, which not only aligns with the objectives of the Strive & Rise Programme, but also echoes the community’s aspirations for it in terms of enabling mentees to gradually reinforce their self-confidence, set goals and strive for upward mobility under their mentors’ guidance.


The Chief Secretary emphasised that the programme has yielded fruitful and encouraging results, delivering improvements for mentees in the areas of personal development and positive thinking.


He said he is confident that with support from various sectors, the programme will help more youngsters to broaden their horizons, unleash their potential and develop a positive outlook.


A number of mentors and mentees attended two special sessions at the premiere to share their thoughts on the film, and reflect on the benefits they have gained from the programme.


A 75-second abridged edition of the film is also being released to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.


The third edition of the Strive & Rise Programme, due to be launched on October 31, will involve the recruitment of 4,000 mentees, taking the total number of mentees so far to more than 10,000. 


The new edition will involve enhanced training for mentors. Youth leaders from the programme’s Alumni Club will also be encouraged to organise more activities to enhance self‑development.

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