Youth forum holds annual review

September 21, 2024

The Security Bureau Youth Uniformed Group Leaders Forum held its annual review today, giving youth members the chance to present research topics and reflect on their learning experiences over the past year, and to set a course for the forum's development over the coming year.


Chief Secretary Chan Kwok-ki remarked at the event that nearly 30 activities had been undertaken during the forum's second term, giving members diverse training opportunities. He said members also took part in study tours to places such as the Greater Bay Area and Henan Province, to experience the country’s history, culture and social development, and that these tours enhanced their sense of national identity.


He added that in the coming year, the bureau will deepen co-operation with Shenzhen University, and collaborate with Macau to promote youth exchanges between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, strengthening the mutual cohesion of youths in the theee places and encouraging them to contribute to the country.


Youth members shared their experiences and insights from the past year at the event. Three outstanding alumni shared their experiences of participating in the 2024 UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs Youth Forum in Vienna and, as Hong Kong youth volunteers, in the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2024 in Hainan.


Other members shared their internship experiences at the Palace Museum in Beijing, well-known enterprises and government institutions. A group of representatives collaborated with students from Shenzhen University to present the findings of research related to youth in the Greater Bay Area, and received feedback from guests


Concluding the event, Secretary for Security Tang Ping-keung said members had undergone significant growth after a year of learning, and that he is pleased that some alumni and members will join the Government as administrative officers and members of disciplinary forces.


The Youth Uniformed Group Leaders Forum was established in October 2022 to enhance youth work.

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